
Best Ideas and Tips for Couples to Initiate Sex
There are several ways to create bonds with your partner, but one avenue of fulfillment can cause serious damage to all other areas. If sex is a problem in your marriage, heartbreaks remain a possibility. Aside from having stressful, sexless marriages, there is always a requirement to keep things spontaneous yet not too surprising or […]
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How to Boost Libido in Woman – Easy and Affordable Means
First off, everything we eat and ingest (drinks, smoke, air) leads to health complications. It is no secret that what we eat can lead to higher or lower sex drives. For instance, some people have fetishes linked to food, whereby they call an aphrodisiac. You can eat a cake and have your libido shoot to […]
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Follow These Tips If Your Partner Lost Interest in Sex
They say curiosity killed the cat, but when someone states, ‘my wife has no desire for sex, what I can do,’ it reeks of desperation and a marriage gone south. That said, you are better off asking questions first in this case, instead of later. It means before seeking sex help elsewhere, find time to […]
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Discover How to Enjoy Phone Sex – Phone Love
Make love over the phone as your elders did back in the day, with short texts on mini-screens on Nokia phones. Okay, that might sound a little archaic to those born in the 21st century. However, anyone born in the eighties or before remembers using regular button phones to send flirty texts. At some point, […]
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Things You Should Know before Having Anal Sex
First off, congratulations on deciding to add some spark into your sex life. If this is the first time, or you’ve wondered why it’s turning out painful, fret no more. Anal sex is one of the most sought-after types of sexual engagements out there, but many fear its consequences, of which they can be many. […]
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Know What a Woman Experiences During Sex
If you just love everything about lovemaking, you are certainly not alone. Scientists and relationship experts know that sex is a highly pleasurable experience for most women, but they constantly look for better explanations for exactly why it feels so good. How does sex feel for a woman? Well, the answer may vary from woman […]
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Wonder What Thoughts Do Men Have about Sex
Men cannot get enough when it comes to having sex. If you ask about their experience while engaging in penetrative sex, most of them will rate it from feeling good to feeling freaking amazing. Interestingly, having an active love life gives a guy all the energy he needs to achieve everything in life. The hormonal […]
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What Makes Sex Dreams Special and How to Have One?
While returning home after an arduous day at work, all you can think of is food followed by a good snooze. It is quite natural, actually, and no one would blame you for looking for a way to relax and recharge your batteries after giving your best at work. And the relaxation gets better when […]
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Wonder What to Do a Woman to Like You?
So many men firmly believe that women are extremely picky and very hard to impress. The truth is that you can try so many tactics to make any girl fall in love with you. You just need to understand that negative thoughts in your head would hamper your success significantly. With those thoughts hitting you […]
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Discover the Best Places to Find Girls in New Orleans
You will forget about New York, Venice, or Napa when you live in New Orleans. Being in the “Big Easy” is an excellent experience because it is one of the most romantic places you will find on the face of the planet. As soon as you come here, you will fall in love with the […]
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